Saturday, 12 September 2015

Label making fun

Labels! They are the best to have when you are organizing a space. So today I will show you how you can create a snazzy label and laminate it. The laminating will protect it from any wear and tear that may arise from future use. 

Materials you will need are:
  • a pencil
  • eraser
  • scissors
  • card stock or printer paper
  • a paintbrush
  • watercolors
  • a ruler
  • a laminating machine

For the first step, you will need to cut your paper to the desired size. Since I am using my labels for a particular box, I measured the width and height of the part of the box where I am putting the labels. I then subtracted half a cm from the top and bottom. The laminating pouch will stick out a bit on all sides, which means I have to accommodate for that. Then cut to size.

Fold the paper in half and trace the corners with a small bottle cap. Then cut and you are left with some neat looking paper. Measure the height and trace a line two thirds from the top of the paper. This will be where you will write whatever label text you want. I practiced as you can see and managed to get it wrong. Scrws, what is that?!

 For the next step, you need a watercolor that you are satisfied with. I mixed my black shade out of blue and brown. For help with choosing a nice font, you can visit websites like where you can find fonts for free. You can print out the fonts and then practice on making the same. When you have painted the labels, remember to erase the lines!

For the next step, place your labels into the laminating pocket. I have A3 size pouches, so I had to trim mine down before laminating the piece. Turn your laminating machine on to the desired setting. Mine has both cold and hot laminating, so check your machine documentation before starting.

For bigger laminating pouches, it can be a bit tricky to keep the paper in the same spot as you are lifting the pouch up. I used a piece of cardboard on the underside to help keep everything in the same place. Just remember to not push the cardboard into the machine!

Once the pouch has gone through the machine, you need to cut the plastic off. I used a trimmer for the sides and scissors for the corners.

And there you have it, the final result. Attach the label with double sided tape and you are good to go!

I hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you have any comments or suggestions, press the comment button below.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


The other day I got a hold of a bunch of deep plastic trays thanks to my partner who works at a deconstruction company. The trays came from a supermarket and are in good condition despite being used daily. I just finished cleaning them up and when they are dry, I plan on using them to organize tools and crafting items to use in the attic craft room and other areas around the house. Cheap and good for the planet!
Happy recycling!

In my next post, I will show you how I made the labels for the trays.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Welcome to The Crafty Swede!

Here you can learn all about different crafts, such as card making, painting, polymer clay and so on. There will be tips on how to make your own crafting supplies as well as how to use the commercial ones. For those of you who prefer to watch videos instead of following a printed tutorial you can visit the channel "The Crafty Swede" on YouTube. So let's get started!